Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Water Meadows [Winchester]

Flowering down the meadow view
grass lush and head swayed poppies
dong a song the distant church bell
the butterfly's aimless intention pursue
along corridors of wind change breeze
Hummed stillness across the water pond
frenzied the wingéd dancers
buttercups made golden by sunshine
peek'a'boo playing among the trees beyond
which also hide squirrel from casual glancers
Heavenly scented laying so light in the air
as yet unmoved by the sparrow wing
bathed in the summer evening glow
beauty of nature the water meadows share
with nobody and with all and with everything
Closing the day down clouds now veiling
the last pipes of the rude blackbird rising
it has been a day of shouts and of laughter
but now the velvet of quietude prevailing
the approaching shadows of nightfall advising

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