Monday, September 8, 2008

The Nestle

A loveliness was found for him,
a tender touch with kindness.
Though he did not know her
she lay next to his heart
warming the shallow with nestling.
Warmth which only she could impart.
Unlearned gentleness of a girl
for might was not the needing,
nor a shield from arrows.
Her beauty was to him
as though through a mist percieved,
her innocence unhurt by whim.
It was the councel of others
that had brought her to his side,
and that with searching long,
her warm simplicity
the gift that only she could bring,
so that heart with heart would agree.
Soft petal in the morning chill
she lay in darkness under.
The moonlight's cold she stays
and sweetly flows the flow.
Her soft breath will not awaken him
as she makes his heart her pillow.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Guinevere's bed

Shall a pale shadow
and she a ghost, a phantom
cost so valiant a king,
whose heart will hold with a promise
and break it with beguiling.
She will betray you with her kiss
Arms that will hold you,
eyes that have encaptured your own,
in another's arms entwined
making warm with passion the place
where is no promise to bind.
Dying sweetly in the embrace
Chivalry begone
with chasing from the kingdom.
Camlan's field will be the site,
the question Guinevere shall pose,
wild the cherry she will bite,
will bitter you too in the throes.
Was it Caliburn?
taken up for the kingdom
that had brought the victory
or was it honour which prevailed?
the true cause we may now see.
Then cast away the sword that failed.
Ah valiant heart
will be for a shadow pale,
pierced through with lady's arrow.
When she has made you cuckold,
then Albion's race will know,
for Guinevere's bed they were sold.
Mist that lays across
not only lake but the realm
now veils from our eyes the view
that noble, which made you great.
The find your strength in virtue,
victory shall not be late.