Thursday, April 24, 2008

Old nell's last croak

She were a good old soul her

they simply don't come better

I was squatting right by her side

when an owl came and ate her


She'd be the first to leap to your aid

shared her gnats with the needy

kind of ironic that she fell prey

to an owl who was just plain greedy


There was no time to say goodbye, no

nor even a chance to kiss her

e're fate swooped down from the sky

boy I am going to miss her


She was the best croak in this town

for gossip there was no-one better

to think I was there by her side

when an owl came and ate her.

Freddy the flying frog, not

A frog is not a butterfly

but oh if I had wings

I'd squabble with the sparra's

and do amazing things


O'er the housetops I would soar

the kids would all point at me

"a bird with a shiny green jacket"

you'd hear them shout with glee.

Wind beneath keeping me aloft
over dales and fields and streams
the earth below me, what a view!
hovering, me, fulfilling my dreams.
But leaping from my lilypad

is the closest I will get

to that feeling of heady euphoria

so my dreams I had better forget.

Froggy etiquette

A lady frog what's got no manners

will never find a mate

she has to learn politeness

if she's to get a date (ribbit ribbit)


She really must get etiquette

for men frogs can be picky

if she don't hop all dainty

courting will be tricky (ribbit ribbit)


So sister frogs it's down to you

if you would find romance

you have to act and talk all posh

or you won't stand a chance (ribbit ribbit)


A lady frog can get lonesome

on her lilypad, woo woo

sitting on her ownsome

and feeling rather sad, woo woo


Waiting for her froggy prince

it really will not do, woo woo

if he hopped by this moment since

he would only make her blue, woo woo


For men frogs are not faithful peeps

they shoot a gal the line, woo woo

their promises they never keeps

they leave her there to pine, woo woo

Mr. President

A frog is not a pretty thing

his talents are not many

he doesn't dance, he cannot sing

and gags he knows not any

but a frog may make president

and if you think that it's a joke

next time we're in a crisis

turn on telly and watch him croak

I am a frog

My tiny webbed feet are frozen
this isn't the life I'd have chosen
but I am a frog
an' I live in a bog
so what is the use in supposin'?
Tadpoles in the frying pan
oh what a lovely treat
lightly fried in butter
they're a delicacy to eat